Having atopic dermatitis (AD) causes your skin to become very sensitive. Most of the time, that heightened level of sensitivity influences the clothing you wear, as well as the laundry detergents, soaps, and cleaners you use. However, the good news is that you can still be fashionable without triggering an AD flare-up.
What is Atopic Dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is a chronic condition that leaves your skin looking red and feeling itchy. Since it is chronic, symptoms may worsen at different times and cause flare-ups. There are many factors that trigger flare-ups including clothing, lotions, and soaps.
Natural Fibers Are Your Best Friend
Choosing clothing made from natural fibers, such as cotton, bamboo, or silk, can help ease the sensitivity of AD. For example, it is good to wear clothing that is composed of 100% cotton. Cotton is being breathable and cool. Bamboo and silk are also considered to be quite soft, breathable, and effective. These fabrics are good at regulating the temperature of the body. Silk can be worn under clothing as a barrier to protect the skin from tighter fitting clothing.
Hypoallergenic Jewelry is a Must
Many people who suffer from atopic dermatitis have an allergy to nickel, so avoiding jewelry made of nickel is crucial. Choose jewelry that is hypoallergenic, such as ones that contain:
- Stainless steel
- At least 18-karat gold
- Sterling silver
- Polycarbonate plastic
These materials are less likely to cause flare-ups from increased skin irritation.
Managing Atopic Dermatitis Flare-Ups
You can still be comfortable and fashionable while living with AD. A simple search on the internet can help you find clothing and accessories that are easy on the skin. To minimize the frequency of AD flare-ups, it is best to identify and reduce your exposure to the various factors that trigger them. In fact, this step is vital in effectively managing the condition.

Like any chronic condition, learning everything you can about AD is integral to your overall health. Clinical studies are a great way to learn more about your condition from healthcare experts with specialized training in AD. As a result, participating in studies provides patients with the tools necessary to improve their self-care and the management of their AD.
Interested in learning about our enrolling AD clinical research studies? Click here and explore our Portsmouth, NH studies.
Summertime symbolizes beaches, tiki torches, mosquitos, and late-night fun. However, for the many individuals who have skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, it means another season that brings, in some cases, a rollercoaster of symptoms that can flare-up more often than not. Skincare is essential all year, but with a little know-how, you can help keep the lid on summer skin issues.
Eczema and Psoriasis Summertime Care
Let’s look at two of the most common skin conditions and what you can do to manage during these summer months.
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Managing eczema during any time of the year can be a challenge due to it flaring up in extreme heat and cold fluctuations. Staying moisturized is vital in maintaining the much-needed protective barrier with eczema. Some of The National Eczema Foundation recommendations for managing the skin condition in the summer include:
- Hydrate from the inside out by drinking plenty of water.
- Swim! Chlorine helps eczema tremendously, but rinse and moisturize immediately after.
- Wear loose-fitting, light clothing.
- Carry a cooler bag with a bottle of cold water and a washcloth to wipe the sweat off right away.
- Keep gels and lotions in the fridge to keep them cool.
Summer humidity and sunshine help soothe psoriasis symptoms, while the potential dry out from chlorine and the constant AC running can trigger a flare-up. Some recommendations to keep your psoriasis better managed during this time are:
- Protect your skin from sunburn. Approximately 50% of people with psoriasis experience Koebner phenomenon where psoriasis forms at the site of skin injury, like sunburn. Alternatively, protected and limited sun exposure is beneficial.
- Rinse off after swimming and moisturize within three minutes of any shower. Reapply moisturizer during the day to prevent skin from drying out.
- Saltwater can soothe psoriasis, so take that dip in the ocean!
Other Summer Skin Issues
Even without the diagnosis of a skin condition, other summer skin issues such as acne, folliculitis, heat rashes, and sun allergies can wreak havoc on summer fun. Changing out of tight, wet clothes, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and paying attention to specific plants and infested ocean waters can help you to avoid most of these. Learn more about preventing common summer skin issues on the AAD website. Also, remember to bring anything concerning to your dermatologist immediately.
Clinical Research is Improving Options for Skin Conditions
Chronic skin condition symptoms often persist despite the strictest routines and lifestyle changes. In many cases, working with a dermatologist and following their recommended treatment plan is the next step. However, there are still individuals that remain unable to benefit from the many options that exist. Clinical research studies are helping to ensure everyone has access to safe, effective skin management choices.
Volunteers participating in research studies make these opportunities possible. Qualified participants have the opportunity to gain access to potential new options not currently available and learn more about their skin condition along the way. ActivMed is currently looking for participants to enroll in a variety of dermatological studies. To explore now enrolling opportunities, click the link for our Portsmouth, NH location, or Beverly, MA location.
Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic medical condition that has increased over the past two to three decades. It affects between 15-30% of children and 2-10% of adults. This condition causes the skin to become dry, red, sensitive, raw, and extremely itchy.
Why do I have eczema?
As most of us already know, Eczema can be a result of the cold air during the winter, long-hot showers, and multilayered clothing, however there is a nutrition factor that might actually be making the condition worse.
Foods that trigger Atopic Dermatitis Outbreaks
The top foods that trigger these outbreaks include
- milk
- soy
- peanuts
- eggs
There is an extended list of certain foods that trigger the Atopic Dermatitis Outbreak. Click here to learn more.
Foods that relieve the symptoms
Anti-inflammatory foods such as fish, and foods in high in flavonoids and probiotics. Fish that contain the highest levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and albacore tuna.
Treatment options
Although there are many available options for treating Atopic Dermatitis, the best solutions are as follows:
- Using mild soaps, and laundry detergents to avoid irritation of the skin
- Drinking plenty of water to replenish the body’s moisture
- Managing the stress levels with yoga, meditation, and plenty of exercise
- Avoid rubbing your skin to prevent further itching and discomfort
- Avoid and wool like clothing and nylon clothing and bedding
- Take vitamin D supplement daily
Looking ahead
While there isn’t yet a definitive eczema cure, awareness of the possible triggers, beneficial foods, and smart personal habits can keep your itch at bay to make you feel comfortable in your own skin. ActivMed Practices and Research Inc. is enrolling for a study on Atopic Dermatitis. To learn more and see if you qualify, click here for the study in our Portsmouth office and here for the one in our Beverly office.
Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a condition that causes skin to be red and itchy. The itching can be so uncomfortable it can get in the way of daily activities and cause problems when it comes to sleeping. It most commonly appears on the face, backs of the knees, insides of the elbows, hands and scalp.
The National Eczema Association estimates that over 31 million people in the U.S. have some form of eczema. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding this common skin condition. Here are just a few to help you understand eczema a little bit better.
- Eczema is contagious. This is a big one we hear all the time. You can’t ‘catch’ eczema from someone who has the disease and you can’t give it to someone by touching them if you have it.
- Eczema and acne are the same. This is false. The small bumps that eczema can cause are not acne.
- Eczema is caused by bad hygiene. The cause of the disease has nothing to do with personal hygiene. According to WebMD, doctors think eczema is caused by a combination of factors including combination of environmental, genetic and immune system factors.
- Eczema is caused by stress. While stress can trigger eczema and make it worse, stress does not cause eczema.
- Eczema can be cured. While there’s currently no cure for eczema, the condition can be better managed by knowing your personal triggers and making a treatment plan based upon that information.
Researchers at ActivMed are currently studying potential new eczema treatment options. If you or someone you love is struggling to manage eczema symptoms, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. Qualified participants are closely evaluated by board-certified dermatologists and other medical professionals, and may even gain access to new treatments before they are available to the general public. Compensation is also available for travel expenses. To learn more, click HERE.