Everyone has experienced some type of sadness at some point in their lives. Hard times at home or work, personal loss, and relationship problems can all lead to feeling sad. It is a normal human emotion that we will continue to experience at various times throughout our lives. The good news is, the feeling of sadness will go away. Once the problem has resolved, or the hurt that we have experienced has faded, our sadness fades too.
Depression is different than sadness. Depression is a mood disorder that affects all aspects of life, making everything less enjoyable, less important, and putting a strain on the body. Depression may cause you to feel impatient and quick to anger. To be diagnosed with depression, symptoms must be present most of the day, nearly every day for at least two weeks.
Depression can interfere with working, sleeping, school, and life in general. It’s important not to give up and focus on strategies to help manage this condition.
First off, know that you’re not alone. Many other people are fighting similar battles. Some of us are experts at putting on a happy face to conceal what’s really going on behind the mask. Social media is a good example of this.
Secondly, spending time alone (as most who are depressed tend to do) isn’t the best choice. Alienating yourself from the support of friends and loved ones is the last thing you need during this time. Make sure to keep your relationships intact. Joining a gym together or attending a workout class is a great option. Not only are you spending time with a friend, but studies have shown that exercise has a positive effect on your mood.
Finally, know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. While you’re not going to feel good all of the time, we as humans are capable of making changes. Our brains can form new, positive habits which can have long-term effects.
Millions of people around the world are experiencing, or have experienced, depression. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with depression and feel like you are out of options, a research study may be an option. ActivMed is currently seeking participants for several current and upcoming studies. Qualified candidates who qualify and participate will receive study-related care at no cost and receive compensation for travel. To learn more and see how you or someone you love may qualify for a study, click HERE.