ActivMed has sponsored the annual Winning Opportunities for Women Conference for the past five years. This year ActivMed donated the proceeds ($1300) from a raffle for the wine jail below and 44 bottles of wine to the Mary Anne Esposito foundation.
ActivMed also donated a 9” Pink Tablet and the raffle proceeds to the Winning Opportunities for Women organization.
The 21st Annual Conference was on April 14th, 2017 at the Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury, MA.
The event featured:
Becca Pizzi, Winner of World Marathon Challenge
Cheryl Fiandaca, WBZ-TV Chief Investigative Reporter
Gina Barreca, Author, Humorist Professor of Feminist Theory
Susan Legar Ferraro, Founder/CEO Imajine That and G3
If you need any more information about the W.O.W. conference, call Laura Rocha at ActivMed in Methuen, 978-655-7155.