Traveling with Celiac Disease

January 22, 2019

We all love to get away for a few days. An escape from the normal routine can be exciting and gives us something to look forward to. However, for those that suffer from celiac disease, the thought of traveling can sometimes bring more stress than excitement. Check out these helpful tips to make traveling with celiac disease a little more carefree.

  1. Plan ahead! Check with your hotel to see if you will have a microwave and refrigerator available to you. This would allow you to go to a store and pick up some items to have in your room.
  2. Pack smart. Pack non-perishable food items like nuts, dried fruit, etc. that could really come in handy. If possible, you could even pack a small cooler with some frozen or quick cooking items that could help as well.
  3. Think local. If you’re traveling internationally, you may not be able to pack a cooler, but you will be able to print out an allergen translation card in the local language. This can be extremely helpful. You can find the cards
  4. Get friendly with your phone. There are many apps available now on smartphones that can help you to find gluten-free restaurants. Check them out ahead of time so you have a plan and are comfortable with using the app.

While traveling with celiac disease can certainly be stressful, incorporating some of these useful tips may help to make things just a little bit easier. Physicians at ActivMed Practices and Research Inc. are working diligently to help find potential new celiac disease treatment options. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with celiac disease, you may qualify to participate in a currently enrolling research study. Qualified candidates who participate will receive study-related care at no cost and receive compensation for travel. To learn more and see if you may qualify for a study, CLICK HERE.

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