ActivMed, Inc was proud to participate in the 22nd Annual Winning Opportunities for Women Conference again this year, for the sixth year. Hosted by Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce, the conference was held at the Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury, MA, on March 30, 2018. There were 250 women in attendance.
The theme this year was Defining Moments, and the event featured a group of fantastic speakers:
- Dr. Bridget Cooper~ Live Life Large
- Superior Court Judge Sharon Poole Donatelle
- Julie Ganong~ CEO of Chococoa Baking Company
- Kat Knox~ Publicist for Jeff Bauman, Boston Marathon Survivor
- Jules Pieri~ Co-Founder & CEO of The Grommet
We raffled off a colorful piece of Isaac Mizrahi Harley 29” Hardside spinner, wheeled-luggage, raising $830. The proceeds of which were donated to the Winning Opportunities for Women organization. Our winner, Amy Sweeney, also received a gift certificate to a local hotel chain to enjoy an overnight stay at a location of her choice.
If you need any more information about the W.O.W. conference, call Laura Rocha at ActivMed in Methuen, 978-655-7155.