On Friday July 15th, we held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of our brand new Portsmouth, NH clinical trial facility. Senator Kelly Ayotte attended and participated in cutting the ribbon with our CEO, Terry Stubbs. The American Red Cross Bloodmobile was parked outside all day—patients, staff, and local businesses lined up to give donations. Multiple news stations and newpaper publishers joined to experience the event.
The Union Leader published an article about the event and stated: “ActivMed Founder Terry Stubs say she has been interested in reasearch for 22 years, and is thrilled to watch her company grow, as new cures are discovered through clinical research for the FDA.”
Our new Pease International Tradeport location in Portsmouth will house different clinical trials for people with COPD, high choleterol, mental illnesses, skin conditions, and more. The 5.600 square foot office employs 11 out of our current 34 employees.
Seacoastonline.com posted a video of the ribbon cutting with Senator Kelly Ayotte and Terry Stubbs (http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20160715/NEWS/160719366). Seacoastonline.com also highlighted that Alzheimer clinicial trials will be taking place at our new Portsmouth, NH location along with testing a non-opiod pain management drug.
Senator Kelly Ayotte strongly supports the fight against Alzheimers and the battle against opiod addiction—she Tweeted: “Glad to attend the opening of @ActivMed’s Portsmouth facility & graful for their efforts in the fight against #ALZ”.
Thank you to all of our friends, family, and local business owners for joining us in the grand opening of our brand new Portsmouth location—it was a welcoming success! We look forward to making new discoveries and cures in the future here at ActivMed Research.