As the cold and flu season is closely approaching, all must take precaution especially those individuals who are much older. Development of a respiratory tract infection is very common during this time.
Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are infections affecting the upper part of the respiratory tract including the nose, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx. They are very common infections, with the US alone seeing more than 3 million cases each year. Some examples of URIs are the common cold, rhinitis, sinus infections, and laryngitis.
Symptoms of URI
- Nasal congestion
- sneezing
- coughing
- scratchy or sore throat
- headache
- fever
- mucus production
- avoiding people who are ill;
- if you are ill, remain at home until you are no longer contagious;
- avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands;
- cover your cough and sneeze; sneezes and coughs should be covered with the elbow or sleeve – not the hand
- wash your hands often, and properly (20 seconds or more with soap and warm water).
- modify your lifestyle through smoking cessation and stress management, which may decrease your susceptibility to catching the common cold
Clinical Research Study
Although flu vaccines are an option, clinical trails are enrolling for those suffering with respiratory tract infection. If you or a loved one is dealing with this, participating in a research study might be an option. ActivMed Practices & Research is now enrolling those who qualify for the study. To learn more click here.