Laura Rocha joins Health Happenings on Methuen TV to discuss Age/Dementia Friendly initiative in Methuen
Local TV show features our Age/Dementia Friendly Methuen initiative
Our Outreach Manager, Laura Rocha recently appeared on the local television show “Health Happenings” for Methuen TV, on a panel discussing our Age/Dementia Friendly Methuen project we have been working on with Methuen Mayor, Jim Jajuga. We will miss him, and look forward to continuing the initiatives with the Mayor-elect Neil Perry.
Watch the discussion here http://archive.methuentv.org/Video/5398
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, a dementia–friendly community is a city, town or village where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported. In a dementia–friendly community people will be aware of and understand dementia, so that people with dementia can continue to live in the way they want to and in the community they choose.
We have partnered with other key community partners to make this initiative work for the city:
Here’s what we have accomplished so far:
Spring 2019- ActivMed met with Mayor Jim Jajuga to present the idea and address the needs of the community
Summer 2019- Mayor Jajuga and several city officials came to ActivMed to receive Dementia Training from the Alzheimer’s Association
Fall 2019- Focus Group to share ideas and to get feedback directly from the citizens of Methuen
Coming soon in 2020- Training of First Responders!
There is still plenty of work to be done, so stay tuned for more updates!