What is it?
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by painful nodules and abscesses which form most commonly in sensitive areas: under arms and breasts, along buttocks and groin, though HS may appear anywhere there is hair.
When symptoms first appear, they appear as painful, recurrent pimples or cysts in telltale areas. Because of its appearance and location, HS is often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, folliculitis, staph infection, cellulitis, or an STD. But unlike those conditions, HS cannot be cured and the lesions left behind will often refill, have difficulty healing, and leave behind scars.
Women are diagnosed with HS 3x more often than men and their symptoms tend to start around puberty or other times of hormonal changes like pregnancy, postpartum, or changes in hormonal birth control.
Treatment options
Treatment with medications, surgery or both may help control symptoms and prevent complications. Some doctors may prescribe the following medications:
- Antibiotic creams. Mild symptoms might be managed with topical creams that fight infections, such as clindamycin and gentamicin.
- Systemic drugs. For more widespread diseases, antibiotics taken by mouth.
- Pain medication.If over-the-counter pain relievers don’t help, your doctor may prescribe a stronger type.
Clinical Research Studies
ActivMed Practices and Research is enrolling for a clinical research study that may be an option for those struggling with Hidradenitis Suppurativa. To learn more about the study and see if you qualify, click here.
Although there is no known cure for HS, if you feel that you have mild hidradenitis suppurativa it can be treated with self-care measures by doing the following:
- Managing your pain
- Following a daily skin care routine
- Avoiding tight clothing
- Avoiding injuring the skin
- Keeping a healthy weight and staying active
- Considering altering your diet
- Avoiding all tobacco products.